Neuromarketing study carried out on the top 3 Spanish fashion ecommerce

Event: Socializa Day, 2016.

In the Flat 101 UX Lab we use different research techniques with users for our optimization projects based on the circumstances and needs of the project.

Diagrama de técnicas de research utilizadas en el laboratorio de usabilidad de Flat 101
Segmentation of research techniques based on the circumstances and needs of the study

In the talk held at Socializa Day 2016, we presented the main usability and user experience insights detected in the neuromarketing study conducted in 3 popular online fashion stores: Zara, H&M and ASOS.

In a neuromarketing study study, we measured the non-conscious emotional response of users by asking them to perform basic tasks to carry out an online purchase. These emotional responses are measured through a biometric ring that records skin sweating and heartbeat. These signals are processed and interpreted to finally give us metrics with which we can work:

  • Emotional activation: degree of activation that occurs in the body during the execution of a task. In a web usability study we can interpret emotional activation as the level of stress experienced by the user when facing a task.
  • Emotional impact is instantaneous and is produced by endogenous or exogenous events during the execution of the task: locating what was being sought, a striking image, something that captures our attention, etc.

In the video of the talk you will see the most relevant conclusions of the study.

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