
I met Sandra years ago working, and we shared many hours learning to understand each other, to complement each other and to work for a common goal. We understood each other so well that we have been partners with her for 8 years and still today I continue to learn from her every day.
But above all I consider myself his friend, and that is a privilege, and an honor.
If I had to highlight only one thing of yours, it would be very difficult. I believe that he is the most serene, balanced and assertive person I have ever met, capable of analyzing any problem in detail and proposing well thought-out solutions. He has a privileged mind that allows him to organize and structure any type of project so that it comes to fruition. Something that seems easy, but it is not.
He is someone who listens, who values with an enviable objective criterion and who is capable of putting himself in the place of the other and understanding their needs.
In all these years I have learned many things from her: to say no, to think of solutions that fit well for each situation and person involved, to analyze the technical and economic aspects of a project, to create work systems and make them grow. ..
She is a born facilitator, a person who helps, a professional who makes you grow, who inspires and who makes things happen … oh, and she is my friend.
In all these years I have learned many things from her: to say no, to think of solutions that fit well for each situation and person involved, to analyze the technical and economic aspects of a project, to create work systems and make them grow. ..
Socio fundador, junto con Sandra Navarro, Diego Polo y Miguel Monreal de Flat 101
Ricardo Tayar
CEO & Founder Flat 101

He trabajado con Sandra en muchos contextos profesionales diferentes y siempre me impresiona lo que ocurre cuando decide centrarse en resolver el rompecabezas que tiene delante. Su aguda mente la ayuda a resolver cualquier problema simplemente sumergiéndose y perseverando hasta encontrar una solución.

La complejidad no la asusta, tiene un enfoque audaz y valiente cuando se enfrenta a un reto.

Su profesionalidad es su marca, se comunica con una claridad increíble y al mismo tiempo es muy divertido trabajar con ella.

I worked with Sandra in very different professional contexts and I’m always impressed. Complexity doesn’t scare her. Her professionalism is a trademark. She communicates with incredible clarity and at the same time is lots of fun to work with!
Frank Garten
Facilitador, ponente y autor sobre desarrollo de liderazgo, comunicación y diversidad cultural, en Holanda.

Si tuviera que elegir a tres personas que considero personal y profesionalmente increíbles, una sin duda sería Sandra.

He sido profesor, compañero, cliente, proveedor, amigo y colega de Sandra. Así que creo que estoy capacitado para hacer una valoración de 360º sin cambiar de despacho.

Como alumna, no diré nada porque su experiencia real y sus conocimientos, superiores a los del profesor, hicieron que su nivel de atención no fuera el mejor… pero fue un regalo porque ahí nos conocimos. Como compañera de trabajo y pareja, es esa persona maravillosa que cuando todo el equipo ha perdido el norte y los nervios afloran, sabe poner orden suavemente, sin perder la calma y la sonrisa, volver a trabajar, conseguir lo que queríamos y que los demás piensen que fue mérito nuestro.

Cómo es Sandra como proveedora… Voy a utilizar las palabras de una organización a la que recomendé a Sandra para que les diera formación y apoyo en la gestión de equipos y proyectos: “Es la primera vez que nos dan una formación clara, útil y con conocimientos reales de la materia“.

Como cliente, sabe lo que quiere pero está abierta a sugerencias, es flexible y sabe hacia dónde quiere ir. Para mí hay dos tipos de clientes: los exigentes, que saben lo que se juegan, te hacen trabajar duro y salen como mejores profesionales; y los otros. Sandra es de los primeros. Como amigo y colega, en definitiva, todo lo anterior se queda corto.

En cinco palabras: Gran profesional y mejor persona.


If I had to choose three people that I consider personally and professionally incredible, one would certainly be Sandra. I have been a teacher, partner, client, supplier, friend and partner of Sandra. She is a great professional and better person.
Daniel Echeverría, Strategic, program and project management consultant.
Daniel Echeverría
Strategic, program and project management consultant.

I met Sandra as a teacher in a project management training program and loved her way of communicating and conveying the concepts. Her passion for project management and her pedagogical skills helped me to implement a project management system in my workplace.

At the same time, I have also seen her generosity, as she has given me the opportunity to work with her on academic projects related to project management.

Finally, I would not want to overlook her entrepreneurial side, as she has been the creator of a great business project. If I had to describe Sandra in a few words I would say Professional, Communicative, Generous and Enterprising.

Her passion for project management and her pedagogical skills helped me to implement a project management system in my workplace. If I had to describe Sandra in a few words, I would do it like this: Professional, Communicative, Generous and Entrepreneurial.
Abel Ortego. Head of Knowledge Development Area at MotorLand Aragón.
Abel Ortego
Responsible for the Knowledge Development Area in the following areas MotorLand Aragón

Un verdadero placer haber recibido una clase de Sandra Navarro en el Curso de Gestión de Proyectos. El perfecto dominio de la materia, apoyado en múltiples ejemplos reales basados en su intensa trayectoria, me ofreció todo lo que busco cuando asisto a formaciones para mejorar mis conocimientos y habilidades.

Y todo ello realizado bajo su excelente capacidad de comunicación. Muy recomendable. Ojalá tenga otra oportunidad.

The perfect mastery of the subject, supported by multiple real examples based on her intense career, offered me everything I look for when I attend trainings to improve my knowledge and skills. Excellent communication skills.
Adolfo Losa. Field Service Manager. Siemens Gamesa.
Adolfo Losa
Field Service Manager. Siemens Gamesa.