Interview: Aragón en Abierto TV Program. 2015
How the solidarity project started
6 months ago I told you in a post how from Flat 101 we had sponsored our first altruistic project. Jose Luis Arias, emeritus psychologist wanted to continue helping people for free who were afraid to go to a psychologist’s consultation or who simply could not afford it.
To join this altruistic work, from Flat 101 we created and disseminated its website: In it, Jose Luis, among other things, talks about therapies that he has tried with success in previous patients, helps us to know how to identify a panic attack, or the steps to follow to overcome an anxiety attack (to name a few examples).
Our goal was always to help you reach as many people as possible and for people interested in your services to write to you through your page to be treated remotely by this altruistic psychologist.
Excellent results in record time
6 months later, both the Flat 101 team and Jose Luis Arias, we are very happy with the results obtained. And it is that the number of contact forms has not stopped growing since the first day we launched the web.
In almost 6 months, Jose Luis has received 255 leads (contact forms), obtaining a visit-to-lead conversion of 5.35%, which is very good data.

The most important thing about this whole matter is that there are 255 people who have been treated by Jose Luis. Some of them are no longer in treatment, either because they have decided not to continue or because Jose Luis has already managed to make them overcome the problems they had. Those who continue in treatment and the new ones who enter every day (this month they are entering an average of 15 new patients a week), have made Jose Luis currently have to invest more than 4 hours a day to answer the emails of all his patients.
We have also achieved something very typical of digital projects, although not always easy to achieve: we have broken borders. Of the 255 patients of Jose Luis, only 52.94% are from Spain. He currently has patients in Spain, Mexico, Peru, Argentina, Chile, the United States, Venezuela, Colombia, Costa Rica, and a very long etcetera.

In addition, there are other patients who are not counted here because they decided to contact through the Participatory Psychology Facebook page.
Recognition of a job well done
Every time we told people what we were doing with this project, we received extraordinary feedback from all over the world and they themselves acted as prescribers of the page to their friends and acquaintances. There we began to realize that we were building something important for people, something that they appreciated and wanted to exist.
So much so that we have been invited to tell about our project in the Aragón en Abierto de Aragón Televisión program.
Finally, I would like to invite all those people who have a non-profit project for which you want to enhance their online presence, to tell me about your project through my contact form. In the coming weeks, from Flat 101, we will choose a new altruistic project to support for 6 months and that could be yours … Don’t miss the occasion and get in touch with us!
The legacy of José Luis, his book
UPDATE 2021: José Luis was diagnosed with ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) in 2019 and has been forced to close his much-loved page. José Luis’s friends have compiled articles from his blog, which have helped so many people, and we have created a book. Buying this book helps two people: the one who reads it (it can be you or give it to someone) and José Luis, since he will be able to afford the help that he begins to need in his day to day life.
In April 2021, Alicia Monge and I were invited to the set of Antena Aragón, Alicia Monge and I, to tell the story of José Luis and promote the book that represents the culmination of the solidarity work he has carried out through his free online office,, for 6 years. In this post you can see the report about Jose Luis Arias.